Many people I know think out loud when the last week of December comes around, what their New Year’s resolution will be. Some also announced their decision on social media. Lose weight, buy a car, hang out with friends more often, finish writing a novel that has been put off for two years, read a hundred and fifty books, go to the office on time, stop calling ex-boyfriends in the middle of the night—how many different resolutions are in sight! Goal Action plan Succeed
Some find the new resolution ridiculous. Some say, it is ‘dekhndari’. I don’t think this practice of resolution is bad. There is no achievement without effort, and if there is no determination, where will the effort come from? It is difficult to turn all resolutions into reality. A 2016 survey in America found that 41 percent of people made some sort of New Year’s resolution. In this survey, only 9 percent of people claim that at the end of the year, they have been able to fully or partially implement their resolutions. But so what? As many buds come to the mango tree, what fruit is there! But every one of the mangoes came from some bud!
So it’s good to have a promise. It has some kind of desire or interest in front of itself to fulfill that goal.
What should new year’s resolutions be? Bharatchandra said, ‘Bhabhi should have promised when.’ Like me, New Year’s resolutions are good to put some thought into. One has to be determined to go to or near the limit of one’s ability. But if the determination is beyond the capacity, then our subconscious mind assumes from the beginning that this determination cannot be saved. Fighting the subconscious mind is very difficult to win. If you’re Joe Biden, your New Year’s resolution might be to try to win the party’s nomination again in the next presidential election. The goal is difficult, requires a lot of effort, but not beyond your capabilities.
And if you’re a shopaholic like actress Julianne Moore, you might resolve, ‘I won’t clutter the house this year.’ At the beginning of 2013, I resolved to learn Spanish in one year. But learning Spanish in one year was beyond my means, so I didn’t learn it. On the other hand, at the beginning of 2018, I vowed to spend at least one hour on body care every day—walk, play, exercise. Keeping the promise was difficult due to daily busyness but it was within my means. At the end of the year, I saw that I was able to keep my promise. Goal Action plan Succeed
New Year’s resolutions are good to set yourself. Most people do not feel an inner urge to keep the decisions made by others. And determination requires setting goals. It’s much easier to motivate yourself to achieve a goal than a fat spot resolution of ‘I’ll quit smoking’ or ‘I’ll lose extra body fat’.
Let the resolution be such that the matter of its preservation rests in your hands. It’s hard to keep a resolution like ‘this year I’ll be more popular with everyone’. Because, the matter of popularity is not in our hands, it largely depends on those to whom we want to become dear. It is easier to keep a resolution than ‘This year I will not raise my voice to anyone even if I am angry’. Because it is completely under your control. And if you can keep this determination, it can be said that your popularity will increase.
Many people tell their relatives and friends about their determination. Statistics show that it does not make much profit. People are more motivated to keep the resolutions that people keep in mind. But remember your resolution even if you don’t tell anyone else. If necessary, write down the resolution in a place where it will be seen every day. Because, the survey also showed that about 25 percent of people forget about their New Year’s resolutions within three to four months.
Be sure to make a resolution as well as a plan to protect it. In early 1955, Marilyn Monroe decided to become more successful as an actress. He wrote down the plan to achieve this goal in his diary. Wrote, which classes to take, whom to meet, what kind of books to read. Goal Action plan Succeed
There is no obligation to make New Year’s resolutions for the whole year. You can also take a resolution for two, three or six months. If you can stick to the resolution, make a new resolution again in the middle of the year if necessary. But don’t put off implementing it. The longer you delay, the less will and opportunity to carry out the resolution, the more unexpected obstacles will come and make it difficult to keep the promise.
Celebrate the new year or not, make new resolutions. We have only one life. To make this life more meaningful, enjoyable, we need to renew ourselves constantly like a new year. New determination is that renewed urge. Good luck with your New Year’s resolutions, may you succeed in keeping your resolutions.
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admin (prodipto)